Home » Resources » Island Quarters » St. John Island Quarters
The island of St. John is split into 5 quarters.
For many, Cruz Bay is dubbed the economic center of St. John. In this area you will find the bustLing town that includes the main port with hourly ferry service, local shops and waterfront restaurants. From here, you can see a clear view of St. Thomas and Lovango Cay.
Coray consists of neighborhoods Carolina, Emmaus, Eden, Zootenvaal, Saunders Gut, Calabash Boom, St. Quacco & Zimmerman, Fortsberg, Johns Folly and Concordia. Much like Cruz Bay, it once served as the economic center of the island when sugar cane production was the main source of revenue for the island. Now it is referred to as the “quiet side” of St. John
Those looking for solace and much needed privacy pick the East End as their desired location for real estate investments. Located in a handful of upscale subdivisions, the terrain is rocky and dry but offers spectacular views of the ocean and neighboring islands.